Are You Eating Right, Caregivers?

Remember, you’re eating healthy not just for yourself, but for your loved ones too. They are the ones who need your strength and energy. Don’t let your health take that away from them.
By Jaclyn Tan

As caregivers, it is common for many of us to worry about what our loved ones eat. We watch what they consume, ensure that they are getting the right supplements, and even keep eye on the amount of water they are downing through the day. But have you ever considered what you (yes, you!) are eating?

The stress from caregiving may blind us from the changes in our appetite and behaviour. Whether it is binge eating and drinking or having many sleepless nights, the physical and emotional toil may get the better of us – if it has not already done so.

Take a step back and ask yourself: Are you feeling depressed? Easily angered by your loved one? Having drastic weight changes or worse, entertaining the thought of giving up completely? If so, we think it’s time you start focusing on yourself more, and the first step in shifting that focus is looking at what you consume. After all, you are what you eat.
Here are 5 things to include in your diet to help you conquer the day better:

1. Get your green on (fruits included)

You probably hear this a lot, but question is, are you consuming your 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day? We all know that these are packed with vitamins, antioxidants and lots of fibre. Here’s a tip: berries, especially blueberries, are highly recommended in your diet. Just pop them in your oatmeal at breakfast and you’ll be ready to defeat the day!

2. Go nuts about nuts

Snack on nuts as a healthier alternative. Apart from the fact that you are consuming unsaturated fats, it can also help you lower LDLs (bad cholesterol) as well as trim your risk of heart disease. Just make sure you portion control well and have a handful’s worth each day.

3. Scratch off white grains

There’s no denying, we know most of you love your white grains (we do!). It’s so comfort food-ish. But try and make small changes to your diet by crossing out the unnecessary (eg. white bread) on your grocery list and replace it with “whole grains” instead. It is said that whole grains, and legumes, could lead to healthier brains. What’s more, these complex carbs fill us up for longer and make weight control much easier.

4. Fish as first choice

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are believed to be associated with reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s. So hit up your fish options whenever you can. Red meat, however, not only has a consistent correlation with colorectal cancer, it is also high in saturated fats. That being said, it is still ok to indulge in a once a week love affair with your red meat – just keep it to a one serving portion.

5. Bake the healthy way

Finally, we all love to bake, especially for the ones who matter most. Instead of loading up on the butter, try opting for healthier recipes. Replace the butter with brain-healthy olive oil – there are just so many studies to prove that this is a better alternative.

In essence, make sure you are eating good, hearty meals. Remember, you’re eating healthy not just for yourself, but for your loved ones too. They are the ones who need your strength and energy. They are the ones who need love and the best quality care. Don’t let your health take that away from them. So whenever you notice changes in your physical or emotional state, remember to ask yourself: Am I eating right?

Have other superfood secrets that help you conquer your day? Share it with our community by commenting below.

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