Where’s The Party In My Life?

But here’s the thing, you need balance. Because without it, you’re not going to be able to discover who you really are or give yourself the chance at finding your place in this huge thing we call life.

“I am finding my place in life. I enjoy experiencing new things, places and connections. My friends around me are living and they tell me I should too. But my mum has Alzheimer’s.”

Does this say you all over it? Trying to live your life and getting out there to see what it offers but yet feeling the pull of your family needing you around.

Anyone that has been in that position will know how hard it is. “Drinks tonight?” “How about dinner tomorrow?” “We are catching that movie over the weekend, join us!”

How many times have you had to say “I’m sorry, I can’t make it. Not tonight.”

Life handed you lemons. Yes. But that doesn’t equate to squeezing them, drinking it all up, being sour and denying yourself of the sweeter things in life no? Don’t worry, and note that we’re not advocating that you need to go out there, get a bottle of tequila, and go crazy by matching those lemons with it.

But here’s the thing, you need balance. Because without it, you’re not going to be able to discover who you really are or give yourself the chance at finding your place in this huge thing we call life.

You can, will and should still taste both ends of it. It’s alright and you shouldn’t have to feel guilty about taking time off for yourself.

Just like any other road in life, that break you take is a reboot and it’ll bring you back fresher and charged up for what’s to come. So go on, give yourself that break!

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